La Marquise Hotel Statement on Covid-19
Dear Valued Guests,
After the official directive of our Government " Health First ", below you will find all details of how our team will welcome you and what specific hygiene protocol we will follow, in order to provide you truly memorable holidays in a very safe and healthy environment.
Hotel staff
Αll hotel employees, vaccinated or not, will undergo a mandatory weekly test by the occupational doctor to confirm their health, which is available at any time.
All our staff has participated in online seminars created by the government and received a certificate of prevention measures of any possible illness.
All staff members are aware of how the Covid-19 virus is transmitted and can provide information to guests.
Personal contact such as handshake, high five or hug to welcome guests will not be allowed.
An infection control Supervisor & Coordinator has been established to ensure that the implementation of infection control requirements is achieved.
Every hotel staff member is equipped with personal protective equipment (masks, gloves).
If our staff experience symptoms related to the disease, they are advised to stay home and seek a doctor for an examination, notifying the hotel’s health coordinator.
All our staff undergoes personal thermal screening every morning before entering their workplace.
All events that may occur will be recorded and archived.
Public Areas (outdoor and indoor)
Social distancing rules are applied in all public areas including lobby, seating area and outdoor seating to avoid overcrowding, according to our governmental advice.
We have adjusted our operational capacity as well as all our tables and seating areas to allow the effective social distancing according to our government guidelines.
If it is feasible, please avoid the use of elevators. In case of use, to be used by one room at a time.
A very frequent cleaning program of elevators especially on “high-frequency touch points” such as handles, and knobs is applied.
There is signage everywhere to remind customers to keep their distance from one another.
Hand sanitation stations are in every hotel outlet with α disinfection liquid COVID-19 proofed, and respective systems are in place to ensure that these will always remain stocked and operational.
In our hotel beach, a physical distancing rule is applied for seating (sunbeds, chairs, sun loungers, etc.) according to our governmental advice.
We have developed detailed cleaning schedules and protocols for cleaning requirements for all areas.
Signage and information systems in relevant languages are in place to ensure that guests and staff are aware of the hand hygiene protocols.
Animation - Entertainment shows that involve bodily contact have been modified / removed.
Outdoor and Indoor swimming pools and other recreational water facilities
Jacuzzi and Sauna will operate either individually or only with members of the same family. After each use they will be cleaned, disinfected and refilled with a clean water for the next customer, with one additional waiting hour for ventilation between successive uses.
Number of bathers: the crowding density in hotel outdoor pools is calculated with an index of 5m2 of water surface per person.
Physical distancing: The layout of seats on swimming pool decks (sunbeds, chairs, sun loungers, etc.) would be such so that the distance between two different umbrellas to be according to our governmental advice.
All sunbeds and side tables will be disinfected after a guest leaves and before used by another guest.
Our Reception staff is trained on maintaining social distancing and to identify / reporting procedures for potentially symptomatic guests directly to the health coordinator.
Medical kit will be available for the occurrence of an incident, which will include disposable gloves and masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe, laser thermometer.
The reception desk and furniture in public areas are arranged in such a way in order to keep the space open and properly manage to avoid queues and to reduce waiting times.
Important notice: According to the Greek health protocol, we are obligated to keep an updated record of all guests staying at the hotel – name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail), so that communication is possible if a coronavirus case is identified at a later time. For this purpose, your information will be kept on file for reasons of public health protection.
Staff at the lobby area will direct the guests to comply with the social distance during arrival / check-in and assist the guests during peak hours.
We have enhanced the frequency of disinfecting the reception desk.
We recommend our Guests to use Credit or debit cards for payment of any hotel costs. Cash should be accepted in only exceptional cases. We recommend bills, invoices, and receipts to be sent by email.
All key and towel cards will be disinfected before being giving to you on arrival.
It is mandatory to extent the duration of check-out and check-in times between stays (check out by 11 am and check in from 3 pm) so that rooms can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and aired out through natural ventilation.
Our Reception has designated check-in, check – out and call center to share any abrupt volume of customer service.
Our Bell boys are trained to maintain social distancing in vehicle use to one room at a time. Drivers of club cars will wear masks and gloves. Handshake is prohibited. The vehicles will be disinfected after each use.
Cleaning, disinfection, housekeeping (rooms and public areas)
We have reinforced our sanitation services in all public areas and pay special attention to cleaning “high-frequency touch points” such as door handles and elevator knobs.
Immaterial objects such as pillows, bed runners, pens, paper blocks and envelops will be removed from all rooms.
TV controls, toilet flash handles, all door handles, water faucet handles, and flooring will be regularly disinfected.
Fabric surfaces and the entire area of the room will be steam cleaned before each arrival.
Air conditioning and space ventilation
According to the Health Ministry’s guidance, we have shut down the system that deactivates air conditioners when doors are opened in order to allow natural ventilation in rooms throughout the day.
Food services – Restaurants (a la carte, buffet, breakfast rooms) and bars (indoor and outdoor)
There is a hand sanitizer at the entrance to each restaurant and buffet and the staff will check that it is being used by guests and that the required distance is maintained when serving at the buffet.
All kitchens in hotel are already following high hygiene standards of food safety related risk.
All kitchen staff members will keep distance from one another, in accordance to the requirements of health authorities and will wear face masks and disposable gloves while working.
Rules for social distancing, seating distribution and gathering size will be applied. A specific number of guests are allowed in each space, depending on size.
Kids Club
Whatever applies to the hotel staff, applies to the playground staff.
The Chief Animator is responsible for the playground, with the competence and duty to inform and educate the staff and parents about the operating conditions and hygiene measures as well as to daily monitor the implementation of the protection measures.
The arrival of the children with the parents will be done gradually and through advance telephone reservation if is crowded. At the entrance, our trained staff will measure the temperature of the children and also go through a questionnaire that will focus on 2 topics: a) the presence of symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting and b) the child's contact history of the last 14 days with a confirmed case of Covid–19.
We encourage the use of the outdoor playground. In the indoor area, the limit of one child per 5 sq.m. will be allowed.
The toilets of the playground are adapted to the appropriate height for children. Our staff will supervise the washing of children's hands before the start of each game. In addition, surfaces that children touch will be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
We have adjusted the philosophy of the games so that the outdoor games are enhanced, since they can be easily cleaned and do not create large crowds. Large inflatable games, as well as games with many balls or other games with many objects that are not easy to clean after each use, are not allowed.
All toys are cleaned at least every 2 hours and at the end of each day, by washing them with warm water and detergent, removing at the same time everything that could not be cleaned effectively, or that is damaged, or worn.
Spa Services and Gym
Access is only permitted by appointment with thermometry, and there will be gaps between sessions, to allow good cleaning and hygiene of the area.
Gym sanitation after each use and daily disinfection program is applied.
Certain spa treatments are suspended where the risk of spread of infection is particularly high.
Spa staff is trained on appropriate hygiene as well as infection control precautions associated with the treatments will be provided.
Shops operating in hotel
Social distancing rules will be applied.
Restrictive rules regarding social distancing and how many people are allowed in one shop depending on size will be applied and displayed in front of every shop.
Disinfection program in every shop for guests, employees & back-office will be daily provided.
A Sneeze guard is installed at cashier desk to protect staff & guests.
The cancellation policy becomes more flexible to give you more options. Therefore, you can either contact us directly to make reservations or visit our website for all current conditions. If you have any questions about your booking on our website, use our online form or contact us directly at